Mobility Software

Combining Transport Options Is a Rapidly Growing Market

(MaaS) Mobility as a Service


Introducing Mobility as a Service (MaaS), a transformative concept revolutionizing the way we approach transportation. MaaS represents a departure from the traditional model of owning personal modes of transportation, instead embracing mobility as a holistic service.


This paradigm shift is orchestrated by a dynamic collaboration between public and private transportation providers, united under a single gateway that orchestrates and manages entire journeys, streamlining payments through a singular account.

At the heart of MaaS lies the journey planner, where the user explores the different options for getting from point A to point B uncovering all modes of transportation available. The idea is to place the power in the user’s hands, allowing them to choose their ideal itinerary based on factors such as cost, time, and convenience.

Yet, with great promise comes a host of challenges. Sustainability and governance concerns loom large as we navigate the uncharted waters of MaaS adoption. Balancing the increased energy use, potential health effects and possible conflicts across various organisations poses intricate puzzles for stakeholders to solve.

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) software business models by Whim and Tuup differ from Uber, as they do not run transport infrastructures but instead aggregate data and service deals with existing operators. This makes it much more likely for cities and nation-states to allow their entry to local markets as they may increase the efficiency of existing businesses.

The pilot of Whim in Amsterdam combines public transport, taxis, and rental cars. Already piloted in Helsinki, Tuup starts a new service with VR National Railways that combines train service with other transport options from door to door on a single ticket.

The market for mobility services is expected to reach 1000 billion euros by 2020. MaaS applications are likely also to open up markets for new types of transport services connecting the dots on journeys, and also easing traffic jams as one of the likely impacts is a decrease in private car rides.

In essence, Mobility as a Service is a catalyst for reimagining transportation in a dynamic, user-centric era. Through intuitive technology, collaborative networks, and data-driven insights, MaaS shapes a future where mobility is not just a convenience but a holistic and interconnected experience.

Mobility as a Service: Innovation Central Peth

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